I have been familiar with Erika’s work for 10 years now. I initially witnessed her practice on a person in my life who had multiple types of cancer and a relatively poor prognosis. There are many factors in this story, but one of those factors was Erika’s consistent work, dedication, and knowledge regarding the healing process of this individual. While I am not attempting to imply that Erika is the reason, this person has been in remission/no evidence of disease for several years.
In 2020, I began my own treatments from Erika. I was unfamiliar with whatever modality she may use and had limited direct involvement with her skill set. I only knew I trusted Erika with my body and that I in some way had witnessed a type of magic from her in the past.
My first in-person session with her was for chronic pain related issues. My (direct) experience with her was as follows:
I immediately felt some type of conductance in her touch which could have been attributed to anything, including my own anticipation.
I slept for much of the treatment, waking periodically and feeling some type of ‘reverb’ throughout my body. I did not think much of it.
When the session was over, Erika woke me gently. I felt extreme pain throughout my body and struggled to get off the table. She guided me to bed, and I remember thinking ‘oh gosh, could this have made something worse?’. I could barely walk. I remember little except easily falling asleep after and deciding to trust the process as obviously something had ‘happened’.
After waking up several hours later, my pain was mostly gone. Other than being a little sore, my lower back problems improved tremendously over the next several months. I have seen Erika a couple of times since and have always found similar results. I truly believe she has tremendous talent as a healer, and that she is gifted in facilitating energy transfer in the body. I highly recommend her as both a practitioner and as a person.