体Body, 全体(全身)Full Body
頭Head cranium 目eye (s), 耳Ear(s), 鼻Nose, 頬Cheek, 顎Jaw, 顎先Chin, 喉Throat, 首Neck,
胴体Trunk, 肩Shoulder(s), 鎖骨Collar Bone (s), 胸部Chest, 心臓Heart, 肋骨Rib(s), Rib cage,
肩甲骨Shoulder Blade(s), 背部Back, 背部(全体)Whole back, 背部上部Upper Back,
背部中部Middle Back, 背部下部(腰部)Lower back, Lumbar, 腕Arm(s), 上腕Upper arm
前腕Forearm, 手Hand(s), 手首Wrist(s), 指Finger(s), 親指Thumb(s), 人差し指Index Finger,
中指Middle Finger, 薬指Ring finger, 小指little finger, pinky, 骨盤pelvis, 腸骨 Ilium,
恥骨Pubic bone, お腹Belly, おへそNavel, Berry button, 仙骨Sacrum, 尾骶骨coccyx, tale bone,
坐骨sits-bone, 臀部 gluteus, 股関節hip joints, hips, 腰waist, 足whole leg, leg(s),
太腿thigh(s), 膝knee(s), すねshin, ふくらはぎcalf, 足首ankle, 足元foot/ feet,
かかとheel, 足底sole, 足指toe, 足の親指big toe, 2nd-5th toes, 足底の肉球toe mound,
足の甲top of the foot (feet)